Universos poéticos femeninos: las amigas de Galileo Galilei
Resumen RESUMEN: A finales del siglo XVI, Torquato Tasso se convirtió en el autor de moda dado que su Gerusalemme Liberata fue la obra que inspiró a Margherita Sarocchi (1560-1618), poeta amiga de Galileo Galilei, para escribir Le Scanderbeide, un poema heroico. Tasso también inspiró a Lucrezia Marinelli, otra amiga de Galileo y autora de Enrico ovvero Bisanzio conquistato.ABSTRACT: The article essentially studies the influence of Galileo Galilei's works on diverse female personalities of the age, who cultivated various arts. Outstanding among them is Margherita Sarocchi, a Neapolitan who died in 1618 and who established a fruitful epistolary relationship and exchange of works with Galileo. Moreover, there is a serious scientific attempt to clarify the biographical data of this little known woman, almost forgotten by scholars, despite her interesting literary production. The author also deals with Lucrezia Marinelli, some of whose verses were inspired by Galileo's works.
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Bayarri, M. (2009). Universos poéticos femeninos: las amigas de Galileo Galilei. Revista De La Sociedad Española De Italianistas, 2. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.usal.es/dos/index.php/1576-7787/article/view/5105
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