On Cocaine and Drunkenness: Ethics and Esthetics in Freud and Nietzsche


The topics of cocaine influence in Freud and drunkenness in Nietzsche have been scarcely worked; when they have been, in the first they have generally been addressed from an historic view, or relative to Freud”s consumption; in the second, as another one of the elements that make to the art conception –the latter, widely worked. The objective of the present paper is to give account that drunkenness and cocaine influence, far from being episodic, lateral or surpassed aspects, mark that of which the esthetic-ethic perspective that is unfolded in a continuous way along Nietzsche and Freud”s work, modeling the conceptuality and considerations over life, war, superior men, the analyst aptitude, the culture of the time –and in wider terms: the relation between the world and the living.
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Zengotita, A. (2020). On Cocaine and Drunkenness: Ethics and Esthetics in Freud and Nietzsche. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 22(1), 109–131. https://doi.org/10.14201/azafea202022109131


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