Ecological ethics in the Anthropocene


How does the Anthropocene impinges on environmental ethics? The former does not just attest to the extraordinary anthropogenic transformation experienced by planetary systems, but also certifies that human impacts on Earth are not accidents or contingencies but the unavoidable side-effect of our species’ way of being. This article will explore the consequences that the current planetary emergency entail for environmental ethics, arguing that as humanity is not a political subject –or not yet– individual behavior acquires greater relevance -an individual behavior that once massively aggregated helps to create climate change and other Anthropocene-related problems. It will be defended that the key virtue for the ecological citizen is the epistemic virtue of reflexivity or self-awareness, the result of which should be the formation of planetary subjectivities oriented in turn towards sustainability as well as –ideally– the reparation of human relations with the natural world.
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Arias Maldonado, M. (2019). Ecological ethics in the Anthropocene. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 21(1), 55–76.


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