On the undercover models of anthropocentrism in our relationship with the organic environment


Throughout the next pages we will study some aspects in relation with the concept of sensitivity and intelligence in the plant kingdom and in the human being. These aspects remain at a point in the middle of a fork: the respect towards the environment in the one side and, in the other one, a way of anthropocentric knowledge.
  • Referencias
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Aguirre Martínez, G. (2019). On the undercover models of anthropocentrism in our relationship with the organic environment. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 21(1), 159–179. https://doi.org/10.14201/azafea201921159179


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Author Biography

Guillermo Aguirre Martínez

Universidad de Deusto
Investigador Juan de la Cierva Incorporación en la Universidad de Deusto