Ethics and its disciplinary matrix (About Bioethics, ethics and citizenship)


These essay aims at the possibility that Ethics can to be reconstructed like a theoretical field with its own identity and differences from another ones more or less similar. The essay turns to the concepts of «paradigm» and «disciplinary matrix», from T. S. Kuhn and his work on history of science, as if it were possible to transfer them to a philosophical discipline like Ethics. The same is made with similar categories, indebted to J. Derrida and his deconstructive project, like «net of concepts», «system of predicates» and «conceptual order» all of which have in common the ones of Kuhn the reference to an «ensemble of ordered elements» which can identify and differentiate a certain disciplinary field. Finally the essay explores the disciplinary field of Ethics in a set of texts from the members of an investigation group on Bioethics with uncertain results.
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Bello, G. (2012). Ethics and its disciplinary matrix (About Bioethics, ethics and citizenship). Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 13, 221–240.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Bello

Universidad de la Laguna. Facultad de filosofía. Pabellón de Gobierno, C/ Molinos de Agua s/n. · 38200 · La Laguna · España