Dates of responsability


The following article presents a typology of images of the future and focuses primarily on the analysis of the relationship between the present and the future. The objective is to elaborate a critical semantic of the historical times of the future. While Koselleck developped a temporal analysis of the times of the past, I propose a temporal analysis of the times of the future. The result will be a philosophy of the future which is coherent with a practical philosophy of history. Future in the emphatical sense of the word necessarily implies a possible change or break from the present – and the problems of action and moral responsibility that go along with it. The deliberations presented here end with an ethics of the future.
  • Referencias
  • Cómo citar
  • Del mismo autor
  • Métricas
Rohbeck, J. (2012). Dates of responsability. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 13, 93–108.


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Author Biography

Johannes Rohbeck

Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Técnica de Dresde. (Alemania)