Writing and textual composition in Adorno


One of the most common topics about Th. W. Adorno’s work is the difficulty of his writing, considered by many as an arbitrary choice. On the contrary, this paper will argue that Adorno’s style is an essential element of his philosophical project. It aims at saving thought’s emphatic claim of truth by insisting upon the tension between concept and object, thus trying to counteract the tendence to reduce language to a pure system of signs without relapsing for this reason in the assumptions of idealism. Therefore his attempt to attain a form of exposition which, inspired in the musical models of variation and transition, combines discursive and associative elements with the ambition of making the conceptual work more precise and setting the concepts in motion in order to recover the expressive potential of language.
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Maiso Blasco, J. (2011). Writing and textual composition in Adorno. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 11, 73–96. https://doi.org/10.14201/8025


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Jordi Maiso Blasco

Cantabria (España)