The Thought of Martínez de Osma: From Theological Reception to Historical-Philosophical Reception


In this article we show the research lines followed in the reception of the thought of Martínez de Osma. The most important of these lines is the theological reception, focused on condemning his doctrine on confession and on the renewal of the theological method. Based on an analysis of this reception and conceding more importance to the Aristotelian aspect of his thought, we attempt to pose the need for a reception within philosophical historiography of the processes of constituting the modern subject and within Republican political thought.
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Alonso Baelo, P. L. (2011). The Thought of Martínez de Osma: From Theological Reception to Historical-Philosophical Reception. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 12(1), 173–208.


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Author Biography

Pablo Luís Alonso Baelo

Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Filosofía - “Campus Miguel de Unamuno” - Edificio F.E.S. - 37007 Salamanca (España)