Mechanism and Finality in Biology


This article defends a teleological approach which is compatible with our scientific image. It is held that organisms can be depicted as autonomous systems in which occurs autorregulation processes and exhibits a teleological behaviour oriented to an equilibrium. Furthermore, the aforementioned systems are well depicted as mechanical ones. In sum, finality can be understood as a search of an equilibrium by the natural systems in their adaptation to environment. So, we conciliate finalism and mechanicism.
  • Referencias
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Jaume Rodríguez, A. L. (2011). Mechanism and Finality in Biology. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 12(1), 65–78.


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Author Biography

Andrés Luis Jaume Rodríguez

Universitat de les Illes Balears
Departament de Filosofia i Treball Social. Universitat de les Illes Balears. Edifici Ramon Llull. Cra. de Valldemossa, Km. 7.5. 07122 Palma de Mallorca (España)