-Isms, Materialisms and «Other Things»: Felipe Martínez Marzoa Reads Marx’s Das Kapital


Thirty six years after its original publication, Spanish thinker Felipe Martínez Marzoa published a new edition of his book The Philosophy of Marx’s Capital (Abada, Madrid, 2018). In this paper I seek to identify the flaws of a conception, presented as hermeneutically original by its author, and left untouched in the new version. This conception holds that the theory of value present in the first book of Capital shows an ontological constitution that is indissociable from the structural condition of modern society and averse, therefore, in its immanence, to ideological outdistancing. Four conceptual assumption, namely synchrony, structure, ontology, and ideology, organize Marzoa’s rejection of the categories of «historical materialism» and «dialectical materialism» as defining of Capital’s philosophy. My aim is to interrogate each one of these assumptions, and to try to undermine Marzoa’s view by resorting not solely to textual evidence drawn from Marx’s texts, but also to a hermeneutic angle, like Heidegger’s, germane to his discourse.
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Jiménez Heffernan, J. (2023). -Isms, Materialisms and «Other Things»: Felipe Martínez Marzoa Reads Marx’s Das Kapital. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 25, 199–238. https://doi.org/10.14201/azafea202325199238


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Author Biography

Julián Jiménez Heffernan

Universidad de Córdoba
Catedrático de Literatura inglesa en la Universidad de Córdoba, se doctoró en Filología por la Universidad de Bolonia con una tesis sobre Giordano Bruno. Ha sido investigador visitante en las universidades de Yale, Nottingham, Cambridge, Toronto y Munich. Autor de ensayos sobre literatura comparada, teoría literaria, filosofía y literatura modernas y contemporáneas, ha realizado traducciones y ediciones críticas de Paul de Man, Fredric Jameson, Garcilaso de la Vega, Christopher Marlowe, Joseph Conrad, Wallace Stevens, John Ashbery, entre otros. Asimismo, ha publicado artículos y libros sobre las literaturas hispánicas, con atención especial al Renacimiento y a la poesía contemporánea. Entre sus publicaciones más recientes cabe destacar Limited Shakespeare: The Reason of Finitude (Routledge, 2019), La dialéctica: Variaciones sobre un tema de Fredric Jameson (Abada, 2021), Unphenomenal Shakespeare: Pending Critical Quarrels (Brill, 2023) y Prepossessing Henry James: The Strange Freedom (Routledge, 2023).