Terrorist Speech, Hate Speech and the Crime of Glorification/Humiliation (Art. 578 of the Penal Code): is it a Risk or an Imposition of a Particular Previous Vision?


The crime of glorification of terrorism offenses or terrorist offenders enshrined in art. 578 of the Spanish Penal Code punishes two kinds of conduct: glorification of terrorism or humiliation of its victims. It has been understood in two distinct ways by case law of the Spanish Supreme Court: either as (mere) offense or as risk of future harm. It is often argued that this crime entails hate speech. This paper tries to show that while terrorism shares some elements of hate speech crimes, it should not be confused with them, and that there is no room in the framework of Spanish communication offenses in the realm of terrorism for a crime as the offense contained in art. 578 SPC, which is to be held unconstitutional.
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Cancio Meliá, M. (2022). Terrorist Speech, Hate Speech and the Crime of Glorification/Humiliation (Art. 578 of the Penal Code): is it a Risk or an Imposition of a Particular Previous Vision?. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 23(1), 135–164. https://doi.org/10.14201/azafea202123135164


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