A Crime Looking for Justification: Humiliation or Dicredit of Discriminated Groups


The porpouse of this paper is to study the content and scope of the offence of humiliation, dispragement or dicredit of discriminated groups that introduced the 2015 criminal reform in article 510.2 a) of the Penal Code and that has been identified as a hate crime. The study contains a critical analysis of the jurisprudence and then focuses on the meaning of hate crimes in order to propose a restrictive version of this offence based on the purposes of the anti-discrimination criminal law.
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Laurenzo, P. (2022). A Crime Looking for Justification: Humiliation or Dicredit of Discriminated Groups. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 23(1), 83–106. https://doi.org/10.14201/azafea20212383106


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