Fundamentalism, Argumentative Strategies, and Emotions: A Perspective from Higher-Order Cognition


This paper examines the problem of fundamentalism from the point of view of higher-order cognition; that is, of cognitive systems composed by more than one human being. It is proposed that second-order brains work well if 1) they are diverse; that is, it contains diverse perspectives and heuristics; and 2) if they have cohesion, that is if the different parts listen to each other. Fundamentalism is characterized by the idea of authoritarianism in authors such as Robert Altemeyer or Theodor Adorno, by theories of authoritarian and democratic cognition in Solomon Schimmel and Humberto Maturana, and by the idea of political foundations and moral emotions of Johnathan Haidt. Fundamentalism is understood as an active effort that involves feelings such as hate, of evading to participate in the World Brain, namely, the higher-order system that gathers to all human beings.
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Garavito Gómez, M. C., & Bula Caraballo, G. (2022). Fundamentalism, Argumentative Strategies, and Emotions: A Perspective from Higher-Order Cognition. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 23(1), 39–56.


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