Ethics and Tourism in the Framework of ‘Moral Tribes’: The Indirect Moral Potential of Tourism Activity from an Evolutionary Perspective
Abstract The objective of this article is to analyse a conception of the link between ethics and tourism that can be thought of as an alternative to the predominant one in current tourism theory. To do this, we will start from the evolutionary perspective of morality of two contemporary philosophers: Peter Singer and Joshua Greene. As it will be argued, parallel to the ethics of tourism and ethical tourism, one can also speak of a moral potentiality of mass cultural tourism, which does not arise from an application of ethical precepts to tourism, but is inherent to the latter.
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BUTCHER, J. (2014). “Moralizing Tourism: Personal Qualities, Political Issues”. En Mostafanezhad, Mary y Hannam, Kevin (eds.). Moral Encounters in Tourism. Burlington: Ashgate.
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PINNA, M., CORREIA, A. y del CHIAPPA, G. (2018). “Being Good to Be Happy? The In?uence of Moral Values on Tourist Happiness”. En Kozak, M. y Kozak, N. (eds.). Tourist Behavior An Experiential Perspective. Cham: Springer.
ROBERTS, l. y ROGNVALDSON, G. (2001). “The roles of interpretation in facilitating access to and in the countryside”. En Roberts, L. y Hall, D. (eds.). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 92-7.
SCHEYVENS, R. (2007). “Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus”. Current Issues in Tourism 10.
SCHILCHER, D. (2007). “Growth versus equity: The continuum of pro-poor tourism and neoliberal governance”. Current Issues in Tourism 10.
SINGER, P. (2012). Salvar una vida. Madrid: Katz.
SMITH, D. L. (ed.) (2017). How biology Shapes philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
SMITH, M. y DUFFY, R. (2004). The Ethics of Tourism Development. Nueva York: Routledge.
Suárez-Ruíz, E. J. (2020). “Aporías de la ética evolutiva: una revisión de la ética normativa como ‘ilusión efectiva’”. Artefactos, 9(2), 103-119.
TEARFUND (2000). A Tearfund Guide to Tourism: Don’t Forget your Ethics. London: Tearfund.
TEO, P. (2003). “Striking a balance for sustainable tourism: Implications of the discourse on globalization”. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 10 (6), 459-474.
TIKHONOVA, D. y KIM, S. (2018). “Conceptualising Challenging Experiences and Post-Travel Culture Involvement”. En Kozak, M. y Kozak, N. (eds.). Tourist Behavior An Experiential Perspective. Cham: Springer.
UNITED NATIONS (2000). A Better World for All. New York: UN.
VRASTI, W. (2013). Volunteer Tourism in the Global South Giving back in neoliberal times. Nueva York: Routledge.
WEAVER, D. (2001). Ecotourism. Milton: John Wiley & Sons.
WEAVER, D. (2006). Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice. Nueva York: Elsevier.
WEAVER, D. y Lawton, L. (2002). Tourism Management (Second edition). Milton: John Wiley & Sons.
World Commission for Environment and Development (WCED) (1987). Our Common Future. The Brundtland Report. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
World Bank (2005). World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development. Washington: The World Bank.
YU, L. y DUVERGER, P. (2019). “Tourism and Economics: Technologically Enabled Transactions”. En FAYOS-SOLÀ, E. y COOPER, C. (eds.). The Future of Tourism Innovation and Sustainability. Cham: Spinger.
ZAVADIVKER, M. N. (2016). “Una deuda pendiente en las ciencias humanas: la inclusión de los aportes de la genética y la biología evolucionista”. Ludus Vitalis, 23(44), 163-178.
ASHLEY, C., ROE, D. y GOODWIN, H. (2001). Pro-poor Tourism Strategies: Making Tourism Work for the Poor: A Review of Experien-ce. Londres: Overseas Development Institute.
ATELJEVIC, I., Morgan, N. y Pritchard, A. (eds.) (2011). The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Creating an Academy of Hope. Londres: Routledge.
BRAICOVICH, R. (2019). “Hacia una filogénesis del sentido de justicia. Una revisión de la evidencia proveniente de la primatolo-gía”. Estudios de Antropología Biológica.
BRAND, C. (2016). Dual-Process Theories in Moral Psychology. Tübingen: Springer.
BROUDER, P. (2020). “Reset redux: possible evolutionary pathways towards the transformation of tourism in a COVID-19 world”. Tourism Geographies, 1-7.
BUTCHER, J. (2003). The Moralisation of Tourism. Sun, sand... and saving the world? Londres: Routledge.
BUTCHER, J. (2014). “Moralizing Tourism: Personal Qualities, Political Issues”. En Mostafanezhad, Mary y Hannam, Kevin (eds.). Moral Encounters in Tourism. Burlington: Ashgate.
BUTCHER, J. y SMITH, P. (2015). Volunteer Tourism The lifestyle politics of international development. Nueva York: Routledge.
CHEONG, S., y MILLER, M. (2000). “Power and tourism: a Foucauldian observation”, Annals of Tourism Research, 27: 371-90.
CHOK, S., MACBETH, J. y WARREN, C. (2007). “Tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation: A critical analysis of ‘pro-poor tourism’ and implications for sustainability”. Current Issues in Tourism 10 (2&3), 144-165.
CHANGEUX, J. P. (2008). Du vrai, du beau, du bien. Une nouvelle approche neuronale. Paris: Odile Jacob.
COLE, S. (2007). “Implementing and evaluating a code of conduct for visitors”, Tourism Management 28 (2): 443-51.
DAVIS, J.B. (2001). “Commentary: Tourism research and social theory. Expanding the focus”. Tourism Geographies 3 (2), 125-34.
DENNETT, D. (1999). La Peligrosa Idea de Darwin. Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg.
FAYOS-SOLA, E. y COOPER, C. (eds.) (2019). The Future of Tourism Innovation and Sustainability. Cham: Springer.
FENNELL, D. (2019). “The Future of Ethics in Tourism”. En Fayos-Solà, Eduardo y Cooper, Chris (eds.). The Future of Tourism Inno-vation and Sustainability. Cham: Springer.
FENNELL, D. (2006). “Evolution in tourism: The theory of reciprocal altruism and tourist-host interactions”. Current Issues in Tou-rism, 9 (2), 105-124.
FENNELL, D. (2003). Ecotourism. Routledge, London.
GÖSSLING, S., SCOTT, D., & HALL, C. M. (2020). “Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19”. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-20.
GREENE, J. (2013). Moral tribes. Nueva York: The Penguin Press.
GRIFFITH, M. (2003). Pro Poor Growth. London: CAFOD.
HAIDT, J. (2001). “The emotional dog and its rational tail: a social intuitionist approach to moral judgment”. Psychological Review, 108, 814-834.
HALL, M. (ed.) (2007). Pro-poor Tourism: Who Benefits? Perspectives on Tourism and Poverty Reduction. Toronto: Channel View Publications.
HIGGINS-DESBIOLLES, F. (2020a). “Socialising tourism for social and ecological justice after COVID-19”. Tourism Geographies, 1-14.
HIGGINS-DESBIOLLES, F. (2020b). “The “war over tourism”: challenges to sustainable tourism in the tourism academy after CO-VID-19”. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-19.
HOLDEN, A. (2008). Environment and Tourism (Second Edition). Nueva York: Routledge.
HOLDEN, A. (2013). Tourism, Poverty and Development. Nueva York: Routledge.
JOYCE, R. (2006). The evolution of morality. Londres: MIT Press.
KAHNEMAN, D. (2012). Pensar rápido, pensar despacio. Buenos Aires: Debate.
KOZAK, M. y KOZAK, N. (eds.) (2018). Tourist Behavior, An Experiential Perspective. Cham: Springer.
LARIGUET, G. C. (2014). “Ética, giro experimentalista y naturalismo débil”. Estudios de Filosofía Práctica e Historia de las Ideas, 16, 2014.
LEW, A. A. (2017). “Tourism planning and place making: Place-making or placemaking?” Tourism Geographies, 19(3), 448-466.
LOVELOCK, B. y LOVELOCK, K. (2013). The ethics of tourism: Critical and applied perspectives. Londres: Routledge.
MCGEHEE, N. y SANTOS, C. (2005). “Social change, discourse, and volunteer tourism”, Annals of Tourism Research, 32 (3), 760-76.
MCKERCHER, B. y DU CROS, H. (2002). Cultural Tourism: The Partnership Between Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management. Nueva York: Hawthorn Press.
MITCHELL, J. y Ashley, C. (2010). Tourism and Poverty Reduction: Pathways to Prosperity. Londres: Earthscan.
MOSTAFANEZHAD, M. y HANNAM, K. (eds.) (2014). Moral Encounters in Tourism. Burlington: Ashgate.
MOUFAKKIR, O. (2012). “Of Ethics, Leisure and Tourism: The ‘Serious Fun of Doing Tourism’”. En Moufakkir, Omar y Burns, Peter (eds.). Controversies in Tourism. Cambridge: CABI.
MOUFAKKIR, O. y Burns, P. (eds.) (2012). Controversies in Tourism. Cambridge: CABI.
MOWFORTH, M. y Munt, I. (2016). Tourism and Sustainability: Development, Globalisation and New Tourism in the Third World (Fourth edition). Nueva York: Routledge.
NIEWIADOMSKI, P. (2020). “COVID-19: from temporary de-globalisation to a re-discovery of tourism?”. Tourism Geographies, 1-6.
NOVELLI, M. (ed.) (2005). Niche Tourism: Contemporary Issues, Trends and Cases. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
PACK, S. (2006). Tourism and Dictatorship Europe’s Peaceful Invasion of Franco’s Spain. Nueva York: Palgrave.
PÉREZ ZAFRILLA, P. J. (2017). “Racionalismo y emotivismo en perspectiva neuroética”. Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 73, 575-579.
PINNA, M., CORREIA, A. y del CHIAPPA, G. (2018). “Being Good to Be Happy? The In?uence of Moral Values on Tourist Happiness”. En Kozak, M. y Kozak, N. (eds.). Tourist Behavior An Experiential Perspective. Cham: Springer.
ROBERTS, l. y ROGNVALDSON, G. (2001). “The roles of interpretation in facilitating access to and in the countryside”. En Roberts, L. y Hall, D. (eds.). Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice. Wallingford: CABI, pp. 92-7.
SCHEYVENS, R. (2007). “Exploring the tourism-poverty nexus”. Current Issues in Tourism 10.
SCHILCHER, D. (2007). “Growth versus equity: The continuum of pro-poor tourism and neoliberal governance”. Current Issues in Tourism 10.
SINGER, P. (2012). Salvar una vida. Madrid: Katz.
SMITH, D. L. (ed.) (2017). How biology Shapes philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
SMITH, M. y DUFFY, R. (2004). The Ethics of Tourism Development. Nueva York: Routledge.
Suárez-Ruíz, E. J. (2020). “Aporías de la ética evolutiva: una revisión de la ética normativa como ‘ilusión efectiva’”. Artefactos, 9(2), 103-119.
TEARFUND (2000). A Tearfund Guide to Tourism: Don’t Forget your Ethics. London: Tearfund.
TEO, P. (2003). “Striking a balance for sustainable tourism: Implications of the discourse on globalization”. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 10 (6), 459-474.
TIKHONOVA, D. y KIM, S. (2018). “Conceptualising Challenging Experiences and Post-Travel Culture Involvement”. En Kozak, M. y Kozak, N. (eds.). Tourist Behavior An Experiential Perspective. Cham: Springer.
UNITED NATIONS (2000). A Better World for All. New York: UN.
VRASTI, W. (2013). Volunteer Tourism in the Global South Giving back in neoliberal times. Nueva York: Routledge.
WEAVER, D. (2001). Ecotourism. Milton: John Wiley & Sons.
WEAVER, D. (2006). Sustainable Tourism: Theory and Practice. Nueva York: Elsevier.
WEAVER, D. y Lawton, L. (2002). Tourism Management (Second edition). Milton: John Wiley & Sons.
World Commission for Environment and Development (WCED) (1987). Our Common Future. The Brundtland Report. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.
World Bank (2005). World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development. Washington: The World Bank.
YU, L. y DUVERGER, P. (2019). “Tourism and Economics: Technologically Enabled Transactions”. En FAYOS-SOLÀ, E. y COOPER, C. (eds.). The Future of Tourism Innovation and Sustainability. Cham: Spinger.
ZAVADIVKER, M. N. (2016). “Una deuda pendiente en las ciencias humanas: la inclusión de los aportes de la genética y la biología evolucionista”. Ludus Vitalis, 23(44), 163-178.
Suárez-Ruíz, E. J. (2022). Ethics and Tourism in the Framework of ‘Moral Tribes’: The Indirect Moral Potential of Tourism Activity from an Evolutionary Perspective. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 23(1), 307–330.
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