The Conflictive Manifestation of the Díke in Oedipous’ Survey


The aim is to analyze the tension between two forms díke in Sophocles’ Oedipus the king. Since the tragedies occupied a privileged role in the pólis, the tragic presentations constituted a political institution. So, the pieces reproduced some social and political conflicts between an archaic tradition and a new democratic order. Such tension may be evidenced in the investigation promoted by Oedipus. In his inquiry there is a conflict between the two forms of justice, one divine (traditional) and the other human (democratic and institutional). This text, firstly, describes the relationship between tragedy and pólis; afterwards, it points the conflict that was expressed in democratic pólis and reflected in the tragedies; finally, it examines, in Oedipus The king, the antagonistic articulation between the traditional and the human dike.
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