The Philosophy of Institutions of Arnold Gehlen. A Vindication


Arnold Gehlen is one of the leading figures of philosophical Anthropology as a main philosophical trend of the twentieth century. In his work published in 1956 Urmensch und Spätkulur, Gehlen develops a sophisticated “philosophy of institutions” in which he analyses the origin and anthropological value of institutions for the human being, who, as a biological being characterized for his frailty and “not fixed character”, needs of an external support for his conduct, support which is provided by institutions as a frame of regulated and compulsory set of actions that confers integration and continuity to human societies. The culture of “subjectivity” that invades contemporary occidental societies threatens the functionality of institutions and its shielding character for the person.
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Author Biography

Francisco Tadeo Baciero Ruiz

Universidad de Salamanca
Ayudante doctorSecretario de Dptode Filosofía