Fundamentum Scientiae: Heidegger and the Non-thinking of Modern Science


One of the highlights of Martin Heidegger’s thought is his critique of science. This critique of science is based on the assumption of a lack of a basis or support to sustain it, precisely because science has no ultimate foundation but, on the contrary, it is focused solely on its own progress, without looking back to its roots. Heidegger repeatedly points out in his work that «science does not think». This «non-thinking» of science assumes in Heidegger’s own thought a certain paradox because science implies in itself the exercise of thinking, this being the task of scientific activity. But this «non-thinking» of science means that science has derived into a science of the being without taking into account at all the being that founds it. Our purpose in this paper is to clarify Heidegger’s critique of science.
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Author Biography

Fernando Gilabert Bello

Universidad de Sevilla
Doctor en Filosofía. Investigador. Dpto. Estética e Historia de la Filosofía. Grupo de Investigación "Filosofía Aplicada: Sujeto, Sufrimiento, Sociedad" (Cód. PAIDI: HUM-018).