Formal and material agencies. Variations about morphologies


The question about form is related to the question about matter in its possibilities of agency. Through the history of philosophy, form has been understood as preexistent, and matter as undetermined. From an alternative reading of Aristotle’s Metaphysics this paper argues that it is possible to understand matter as necessary for the sensible entity, in a way that this entity is the outcome of processes and circumstances. Through the analysis of philosophies of biology, from Kant to Uexküll, the aim has been to point out that the generation of life forms is brought about from an intertwining of organisms, bodies, environments and forces, in an immanent way that simultaneously stands as transcendental, and that therefore can abide in the limit of the sensible and the supersensible.
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Author Biography

María Antonia González Valerio

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Circuito Interior. Ciudad Universitaria, s/n. C.P. 04510. México DF