Images, morphology and metaphors in biomedical research


Some of the key discoveries of the last two centuries of biomedical research can be represented through a sequence of influential images that were originally powerful metaphors. Metaphor, as a model of proposition that includes the two extreme types of diaphor and epiphor, can serve the purpose of representing knowledge in a dynamic way. Metaphors are images, and therefore they have an intrinsic morphological component but of a special kind: ambiguous. The idea, originally suggested by Wittgenstein and then elaborated by MacCormac and Rosch, that all objects corresponding to the word chair are not a fixed prototype is crucial to understand how the model of abstraction of an essence from observable entities can be abandoned.
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G. Rizzolatti, L. Craighero. "The mirror-neuron system"(PDF). Annual Review of Neuroscience 27 (1): 169–192, 2004.
(2) C. Paquet. L’influence de Goethe sur l’oeuvre de Klee. In Paul Klee – L’ironie a l’oeuvre. L’Object d’Art. , Dijon, 2016
(3) E. R. MacCormac, A Cognitive Theory of Metaphor. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1985
Vineis, P. (1970). Images, morphology and metaphors in biomedical research. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 19(1), 107–115.


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Author Biography

Paolo Vineis

School of Public Health South Kensington Campus
Paolo Vineis. Lecturer. Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health. South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, Great Britain