Perspectives on a new morphology. Presentation


Raising questions about the topical interest of the morphological perspective today, more than two hundred years after Goethe first introduced it, has a precise and wide ranging significance. It means asking ourselves if and how the relationship between form and image as postulated by Goethe still makes sense today.
  • Referencias
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  • Del mismo autor
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BREIDBACH, O./VERCELLONE, F., Thinking and Imagination. Between Science and Art, trans. W. Kaiser Aurora, Colorado, Davies, 2015

BREIDBACH, O./VERCELLONE, F., Anschauung Denken. Zu einer Morphologie des Unmittelbaren, München, Fink, 2011.

BREDEKAMP, H., Der Bildakt, Berlin, Wagenbach, 2015.

DIDI-HUBERMAN, G., L’immagine insepolta. Aby Warburg, la memoria dei fantasmi e la storia dell’arte, Torino, Bollalti Boringhieri, 2006

DIDI-HUBERMAN, G., Storia dell’arte e anacronismo delle immagini, Torino, Bollati Borignhieri, 2007

VERCELLONE, F., Il futuro dell’immagine, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017
Vercellone, F. (2017). Perspectives on a new morphology. Presentation. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 19(1), 19–27.


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Author Biography

Federico Vercellone

University of Torino
Dipartimento di Filosofia e Scienze dell'EducazioneUniversità di TorinoII Piano, Stanza 3 B27Via Sant'Ottavio 2010124 Torino