History, Historical and Historicity in Heidegger


In order to the “Historie” is possible as “Geschichte”, that is, so that the events are more than mere collections of past vestiges, it is necessary that the historical (geschichtlich) of history is understood as enshrined in the historicity, in Geschichtlichkeit. In § 6 of the Introduction to ‘Being and Time’ Heidegger understands that the historicity refers to the temporality of Dasein, to its finitude. Thiking of the historicity requires, as its main task, overcoming history as history of entities, in terms of history of forgotten being. And, of course, to think the being, the happening of being and Dasein which, as such event, is being, is occurring , it is historicizing .
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Chillón, J. M. (2016). History, Historical and Historicity in Heidegger. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 18(1), 261–280. https://doi.org/10.14201/13607


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Author Biography

José Manuel Chillón

Universidad de Valladolid
Profesor de Filosofía ContemporáneaDepartamento de FilosofíaUniversidad de Valladolid