The human dimension of the “femenine” in Emmanuel Levinas philosophy: limits and for ethics


The article aims at reading ethical and philosophical texts and offering historical comparisons, in order to analyze the contributions and limits for the ethics of the concept of the “feminine” as a human dimension in the philosophy of Levinas. The main concern of the article is the current rescue of the feminine by multiple trends of thought which are external to philosophy. And it seems very important to discover how philosophy can contribute to these trends. The article distinguishes between the “feminine”-woman and the “feminine”-human and suggests that the latter provides the philosophical understanding of the transformer and fertile character of the feminine from the “own becoming of non-being” manifested in the erotic ecstasy. However, the ethical communication in the sensitive level is still pending, and this one is a task that must be assumed by the contemporary philosophy.
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Author Biography

Lizbeth Sagols Sales

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. UNAMLicenciatura y Posgrado en Filosofía y en BioéticaProfesora titular de Etica y Bioética 