The agent intellect Iosepho de Aguilera Salmanticensis (s. XVIII)


Joseph of Aguilera defends some tomist thesis respect of the agent intellect: it is a potency of the soul; it is really different from the possible intellect; it forms the species. But he defends other that are own and peculiar thesis: his operation is not immanent; it is a divine motion; it can depend on the will. It defends also others affirmations which are typical of his epoch: it needs of the phantasmata to form the species; it is not cognitive.
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Sellés, J. F. (2015). The agent intellect Iosepho de Aguilera Salmanticensis (s. XVIII). Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 16, 97–109.


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Author Biography

Juan Fernando Sellés

Universidad de Navarra
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Despacho 2301. Edificio de Bibliotecas. Universidad de Navarra - E-31080 Pamplona, España