Some Aristotelian Traits of the concept of Techne within Filodemus’ Rhetorical Writings


There is a wide agreement among scholars about the strong empiricism underlying the epistemological doctrines of epicurean philosophers. Moreover, recent interpretations have underlined the empirical basis in Philodemus’ approach to the concept of ????? in his ???? ?????????. Our paper focuses on the relationship between Philodemus’ empiricist approach to technicity and rhetoric and some aristotelian sources, in an attempt to add some interpretative clues to those already provided by epicurean texts explicitly addressed by Philodemus. Particularly, Aristotle’s thesis on the origin of ????? in the first lines of his Metaphysics, its impact on the proemium of his Rhetoric and his concepts of ???? and ???????? are examined and confronted with Philodemus’ developments on the subject.
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Author Biography

Francisco David Corrales Cordón

Universidad de Girona
Departamento de Filosofía. Universidad de Girona. Facultad de letras Pl. Ferrater Mora, 1 Campus Barri Vell 17071 Girona