Stoic embriology


The embryo, according to the Stoics, is a living creature, because it is a part of the womb, being nourished like a fruit. Nature (?????) is the tension of the breath (??????) that makes up plants, while the soul (????) is the tension of the breath that makes up animals. At birth, the breath, that was vegetable, becomes animal, as it cools because of the ambient air. The Neoplatonist Plotinus and Porphyry confront Stoic thesis, witnessed by Hierocles, that the breath changes from “nature” to “soul” when, thanks to cold, it becomes more subtle.
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Author Biography

José María Zamora Calvo

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Departamento de Filosofía Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Campus de Cantoblanco 28049 Madrid (España) 