Intentionality, Object and Sense in Alexius Meinong’s Gegenstandstheori


Meinong’s ‘theory of objects’ is a radicalization of Brentano’s intentionalist theory which widens the universe of objects, since every act has a transcendent object as a correlate. The article focuses on two main issues: on the one hand, the object–as correlate of representations –that might be existent, subsistent or nonexistent (and even impossible); on the other hand, the ‘objective’–as correlate of judgments and assumptions–; I will argue that the problem of nonexistent objects finds its solution here, i.e. within the sphere of propositional acts. The aim will be to show how an authentic intentionalist theory leads necessarily to a theory of objects that gives an account of every kind of object.
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Niel, L. (2015). Intentionality, Object and Sense in Alexius Meinong’s Gegenstandstheori. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 17(1), 141–173.


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Author Biography

Luis Niel

CONICET Universidad Nacional del Litoral
Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Bv. Pellegrini 2750, 3000 Santa Fe, Argentina