Cabins in the Desert of the Neuter: Critic of Levinas’ Rejection to Heidegger’s Concept of «Dwelling»


The aim of the present article is to show the contradictions and internal paradoxes contained in the polemical position assumed by Levinas in reference to Heidegger’s apology of «listening of Being» as an event that favors human dwelling. In opposition to the stances held by both thinkers, we try to indicate how the opening to the neutral Being (identified by Levinas with a pagan ontological perspective) constitutes precisely the authentic dissolution of «neopagan » natural rootedness defended by Heidegger’s ontology.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
Llorente, J. (1970). Cabins in the Desert of the Neuter: Critic of Levinas’ Rejection to Heidegger’s Concept of «Dwelling». Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 14, 183–205.


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Author Biography

Jaime Llorente

I.E.S. Campo de Calatrava (Ciudad Real)
C\ Tomillo s\n. 13170 Miguelturra. Ciudad Real (España)