On the Nietzschean Thesis of the Will of Power as Thesis about the essentiality of the Real

  • Jorge Alfonso Chávez Gallo
    Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes ?[at]usal.es


By means of the thesis of will of power Nietzsche intends to establish the possibility to understand the «material world» as a «previous form of life». According to this, there’s no point to suppose the existence of two different worlds (mental and material) and the way to explain that what occur in the physical world is not essentially different of he way to explain the actions of living creatures. According to this thesis would not have another reality (Realität) than that of the affections and passions («our world of appetites and passions» as the only thing that is «given»), so that the matter would be but a previous form of the concrete reality. In aphorism 36 of Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche concludes that the «world seen from within, the world defined and designated in its ‘intelligible character’, would be fully ‘will to power’ and nothing more». On the basis of this assumption is the distinction between active and reactive forces, which indicates the primacy of the former over the latter. According to Nietzsche the phenomenon of life might not even be thought not aware that primacy.
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Chávez Gallo, J. A. (1970). On the Nietzschean Thesis of the Will of Power as Thesis about the essentiality of the Real. Azafea: Revista De Filosofía, 14, 93–106. https://doi.org/10.14201/11681


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Author Biography

Jorge Alfonso Chávez Gallo

Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes (México)