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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, and has not been submitted to a review/selection process in a different publication.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format or an equivalent, and is included without the author's name or any data by which the author could be identified.
  • The text complies with the "Guidelines for Authors" and the "Publication Guidelines" of the journal.

Author Guidelines

Azafea: Revista de Filosofía is open to the publication of quality research from the various fields of philosophy.

Submission of articles and discussion notes: Both the monographic (see «Call for papers») and the miscellaneous section are open for the reception of texts. The papers received are submitted to the peer review process (see below). After passing it, they are published in order of seniority of acceptance. Articles are published mainly in Spanish, but submissions in other languages (English, French, Portuguese and Italian) are also accepted.

Submission of reviews: Reviews describe and evaluate recently published academic publications. Full bibliographical details of the work reviewed (including total number of pages and ISBN) must be given at the beginning of the review. Submitted reviews will be subjected to internal evaluation by the journal.

All submissions must comply with the «Checklist for the preparation of submissions» and the following guidelines:

Proposed articles and reviews must be submitted by their authors through the online system, registering in a timely manner for this purpose.

Articles must comply with the «Ethical basis of the journal» (see «Good Practice Guide»). In particular, plagiarism is not acceptable. Any improper use of an outside source will be grounds for automatic rejection of a submission.

Limit of articles per author: no more than one article or review by the same author will be published in the same issue of the journal, and only one submission per year will be submitted to the evaluation process. If several submissions are received, the first one received will be evaluated and the remaining ones will be discarded. Articles’ authors (with the exception of reviews) may not publish a new article in the next issue.  Once an article has been published, if a new proposal is received, it will be evaluated for a subsequent call, avoiding the publication of articles by the same author in consecutive issues.

Once an article has been received, it will be submitted to the evaluation process (see below) for the current or the following year. This decision will be taken by the Azafea editorial team depending on the deadlines available, the number of articles under evaluation and, in the case of a submission that responds to the call for the monographic section, the subject matter and scope of the article.

In the event that a submission is accepted for publication, once the evaluation process has been passed, the authors will identify in ORCID in order to register the citation of their publications.


Evaluation process

Articles proposed for publication will be reviewed in a first phase by the editorial team of Azafea: Revista de Filosofía, which will determine whether minimum standards of research quality are met, whether the contribution is in line with the journal's field of study and whether it complies with the «Checklist for the preparation of submissions» and the «Publication guidelines».

In a second phase, the submissions will go through a round of anonymous evaluation, applying the system known as double-blind or peer review, which is anonymous for both authors and external reviewers. The editorial team will request at least two external reports from specialists in the subject of each article, using a form in which different sections are evaluated and a final assessment is made, advising whether or not it should be published. If one report is positive and the other negative, a third report may be requested. The final decision will be taken by the Azafea editorial team in the light of the reports obtained and in accordance with its own criteria.

In the event that the reports recommend corrections, the authors must make them so that their manuscripts can be published within the deadline indicated for this purpose.  If the new version of the manuscript is not received by the deadline, the evaluation process will be considered to have been completed and, consequently, the publication will be declined.

This process will apply to the reception of articles; reviews will be evaluated by the editorial team for quality, relevance, correctness, and in the light of the volume of submissions received.


Publication guidelines

Guidelines for articles

I.1. Length

The maximum length of articles, including abstract, footnotes, list of works cited and appendices, if any, is 10,000 words.


I.2. Format and layout

Articles must be headed with the title in Spanish followed by the title in English. Articles written in other languages must be accompanied by a translation of the title in Spanish.

In the first anonymous submission, the article must not include the author's details, the institution to which he/she belongs, notes indicating that it is the result of a research project, or any other information by which authorship could be identified, in order to guarantee anonymity during the evaluation process.  Such information will be added by the authors at a later date, if accepted for publication.

Times New Roman font. 12 point font (for the body of the text), 11 point font (for long quotations) and 10 point font (for footnotes).  Line spacing: 1.15 point multiple (for body text) and single (for long quotations and footnotes).  Word's default margins must be used: 2.5 cm in the top and bottom margins; 3 cm in the left and right margins.  If the text contains headings, these must be numbered (1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1... 2...; etc.) and the title must be indicated in small caps.


I.3. Abstract and keywords

Articles must be preceded by a list of keywords (maximum 10) and an abstract (maximum 150 words), both in the original language and in English (if English is the original language, a translation into Spanish must be included).  The abstract must be limited to the content of the article, reflecting the essential information (objective, methodology, materials, main results and relevance) and avoiding general or introductory information. Keywords will be capitalised and written separated by a semicolon.

I.4. Footnotes

Footnotes must provide additional explanatory information or digressive reflections that are relevant as clarification or amplification of statements made in the text.  They must not be used for the indication of bibliographical references, which will be done in accordance with section I.9.

Footnotes must be presented in Times New Roman, size 10, single-spaced, without indentation and with the number in superscript.  Footnotes within the text must be numbered consecutively in superscript. The superscript number of a footnote in the body of the text must appear before any punctuation mark, if there is one (except for the closing inverted commas, in the case of a footnote following a quotation, in which case the superscript must appear after the inverted commas and before any other punctuation mark).  There shall be no blank space between footnotes.

If the indication of a research project, grant, aid, acknowledgment or similar is required, this will be done in a first footnote, with an asterisk instead of a numerical superscript.  (It will not be included in the first anonymous submission of the text).


I.5. In-text citations and references

All materials of outside authorship must be duly attributed to its source, whether it constitutes a literal citation or is presented in the form of an allusion and/or paraphrase. Azafea uses computer resources for the identification of non-original material and works (Turnitin Ephorus software, among other resources). The detection of sources not duly cited will result in the automatic rejection of the article, regardless of the receipt of positive reports. Likewise, the author's own previously published materials that are cited or alluded to with the corresponding reference must also be mentioned.

Citations must be accurate. The spelling used in the editions or corpus of texts handled must not be changed under any circumstances.  If any intervention is required within the quotation, it will be indicated with square brackets [].  The omission of text in a quotation will be indicated by square brackets and ellipses [...].  If any element within the quotation is identified as erroneous, it may be marked with [sic].  Italics from the original will be retained in the transcribed quotation.  If you wish to emphasise or highlight an element within the quoted text, this should be done in italics, indicating it after the reference (my italics; italics mine; emphasis mine). If the text itself is already italicised, in this case the indication should be made in square brackets after the italics introduced by the author of the article [italics mine]. If the translations belong to the author of the article, the following should also be indicated: my translation. 

In the case of a header citation, this must be placed after the abstracts and keywords and before the start of the article itself, in italics, without inverted commas, and paragraph justified on the right-hand margin of the page.  The same applies to acknowledgments that are not expressed in a footnote.


I.5.1. Presentation of quotations

Short quotations (up to three lines or up to three lines of verse) must have the same font, size and spacing as the body of the text, and must be integrated within the text and enclosed in Latin or angle inverted commas (see the use of inverted commas in section I.7). In the case of lines of verse, these must be separated by slashes ( / ) and double slashes for stanza breaks ( // ), leaving a space before and after the slash.  For example: «They, hand in hand, with wandering steps and slow, / Through Eden took their solitary way».  Short quotations from prose texts containing a change of paragraph are also indicated by a single slash break.  The source or reference (see section 1.5.2) must be indicated after the closing inverted commas, followed by the punctuation mark, if any.

Long quotations (of more than three lines or verses), or short quotations which occasionally need to be highlighted in a special way, must be placed in a separate paragraph, body size 11, single-spaced, with a left indentation of 1 cm for the whole of the quotation, without inverted commas.  If the long quotation contains full stops, a first line indent of 0.5 cm must be added from the second paragraph of the long quotation onwards.  The quotation ends with a full stop followed by the source or reference.  Before and after a long quotation, a blank line (size 12 point, multiple line spacing 1.15) must be left.


I.5.2. In-text references

Azafea uses the abbreviated parenthetical in-text reference system and final list of works cited according to the Chicago Manual of Style.  Should there be any discrepancy between that model and what is expressed here, the latter will prevail.  Footnotes will not be used for references, nor will ibid., id., op. cit., etc.

The reference must include, in parentheses, after the quotation, the first surname of the author (except in cases where the author is commonly known by both surnames), followed by the year corresponding to the edition used and included in the final list and the page number of that edition followed by a comma and a space.

Example: «in poder serlo todo» (Unamuno 2003, 154).

If the reference to the cited author is clear, or if it has been mentioned previously, repetition must be avoided.

Example: Unamuno expresses the fear of not «being able to be everything» (2003, 154).

If the quoted work can also be taken from the context, this information will also be omitted in the parenthesis.

Example: In Del sentimiento trágico de la vida, Unamuno expresses the fear of not «being able to be everything» (154).

In successive quotations from the same work, only the page number must be given. If several works by the same author are cited with the same year of publication, this must be indicated with letters.  Example: (Unamuno 1987b).  In the case of different authors with the same surname, they will be distinguished by adding the initial of the name.

For a general bibliographical reference or extension on a subject, «see» must be used before the reference, within the parenthesis; to indicate a contrast, «cf.»; to indicate that the quotation has been taken from another source, «apud», etc. Example: «my intellectual training does not allow me to do so» (Warburg apud Gombrich 1992, 111).

Classical works must be cited according to the established tradition for the reference of that source (e.g. quotations from the Bible, works by Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Dante, etc.), indicating the numbering, books, cantos, parts, chapters, paragraphs, verses, etc. as appropriate.  If an author and work are included, a comma must be inserted between the two.  The reference may, in some cases, be followed, after a semicolon, by the page the quotation occupies in the edition consulted.  Examples: (Ovid, Metamorphoses III, 399-400; 2002, 103); the question is asked in El Criticón (I, XI; 159); «Hegel, Encyclopedia, § 500»; «for a vain image we suffer so much?» (Euripides, Helen 580 and 705; 1979, 100).  Entries in a dictionary or encyclopedia will be cited with the expression sub voce (abbreviated s.v.). Example: (s.v. 'connotation').  


I.6. Use of italics

Italics will be used for words in other languages, book titles, highlighting elements of a quoted expression, or personal emphasis.  Quotations marks must not be used together with italics; therefore, quotations in other languages will be enclosed in quotation marks but, in this case, without italics.  Titles in quotation marks (titles of poems, book chapters, articles, etc.) are not italicized for the same reason.  Acronyms must not be italicized.


I.7. Use of inverted commas

Latin or angle inverted commas («…») must be used for quotations or terms of an outside authorship (duly indicated).  If there are inverted commas in the quoted passage, they must be indicated with English or double inverted commas. According to this hierarchy: «…. “…”….».

Inverted commas can be used to express emphasis, figurative meanings or to highlight elements of a quoted expression, except in cases where it could be confused with an expression, concept or quotation from another author. In such cases, italics should be used.

I.8. Other signs and uses

Parenthetical or parenthetical hyphens must be medium (–); those used to quote dramatic dialogue must be long (—); finally, short (-) must be used to break up words.

The closing hyphens are also added if the clause ends the sentence.

In quotations in other languages, the space before or after punctuation marks is not maintained, except in titles or in typographical spaces that must be maintained so as not to affect the textual arrangement (in the transcription of quotations from poems, for example).

The slash / is used to express line breaks and line breaks in short quotations, alternatives and disjunctions; conventional abbreviations and phonological notation.  Only in the first case (line breaks or paragraph breaks in quotations) should a space be added before and after the slash.  In all other cases, it must be indicated without a space.  For example: abbreviation b/w for «black and white».

Square brackets [] must be used for interventions by the author of the article in a quotation.

Arabic numerals must be used except in cases requiring conventional Roman numerals (centuries, sovereigns, books, indication of pages of a section of a book numbered in Roman numerals, etc.).

For the expression of percentages, the figure and the % sign are separated by a thin space.

Decimals are separated by a full stop.


I.9 List of bibliographical references

Two blank lines must be left at the end of the article.  This is followed by the bibliographical references (small caps), another blank line is left, and the bibliographical sources are arranged alphabetically.  Authors' surnames must be written in small caps.  References must include the DOI of the publication, if any.  The model for each type of reference is given below:


Surnames, Name. Title. Edition, introduction and notes by Name and Surname (if any). Translator's Name and Surname (if any). City (Spanish equivalent, if any): Publisher, year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxx.


Kierkegaard, Søren. Apuntes sobre la Filosofía de la Revelación de F. W. J. Schelling (1841-1842).22Introduction by Francesc Torralba, Fernando Pérez Borbujo and Jacobo Zabalo. Trans. Óscar Parcero. Madrid: Trotta, 2014.

Durkheim, Émile. Las formas elementales de la vida religiosa. Edition, introduction and notes by Santiago González Noriega. Trans. Ana Martínez Arancón, Madrid: Alianza, 2008.


Where appropriate, the original date of publication may be given in brackets before the date of the edition consulted.


Alonso, Dámaso. Poesía española: ensayo de métodos y límites estilísticos. Madrid: Gredos, (1950) 2008.


Likewise, when it is considered appropriate, the edition number (not reprint) may be indicated as a superscript above the date of publication.  For example, to indicate that it is a second edition: 20082.

In the case of a multi-volume work, the volume cited in the text must be indicated, as well as the year of publication. If, on the other hand, the complete work is to be indicated, it will be done this way:


Real Academia Española. Diccionario de la lengua española. 2 vols. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 200122.


Books by more than one author must be included in the same order as in the edition of the book; the second and third authors must appear in the order of Name and Surname; for books by more than three authors, only the first author must appear, followed by et al.  Editions, or collective books, must be cited by Surname and Name of the publisher:

Surname, Name, and Name Surname. Title. City: Publisher, Year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxx.

Surname, Name, Name Surname, and Name Surname. Title. City: Publisher, Year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Surname, Name (Ed.) Title. City: Publisher, Year. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxx.


Althusser, Louis, and Étienne Balibar. Para leer El Capital. Trad. Marta Harnecker. Madrid: Siglo XXI, (1965) 2010.


Chapter or part of a book

Surname, Name. «Title of the chapter» or «part of the book». In Title of the book, ed. by Name Surname, pages xx-xx. City: Publisher, Year. Retrieved on x xxx of xxxx, xxxx, from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxx.


Borges, Jorge Luis. El Hacedor. In Poesía completa, 107-60. Barcelona: Destino, (1960) 2010.

Schapiro, Meyer. «Style». In Anthropology Today, ed. Alfred L. Kroeber, 287-312. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1953.

Derrida, Jacques. «La littérature au secret – Une filiation imposible». In Donner la mort, 163-209. Paris: Galilée, 1999.


For chapters or parts of books by several authors, proceed according to the model indicated for books.

Journal article

Surname, Name.«Title of the article». Title of the journal volume, number (year): pages xx-xx. DOI: xxxxxxxxxxx.


LaSalle, Peter. «Conundrum: A Story about Reading». New England Review 38, 1 (2017): 95-109.


For multi-authored articles, proceed according to the model indicated for books.

In the case of an online publication, it must be included this way:

Surname, Name. «Title of the article». Title of the journal volume, number (year): xx-xx. Retrieved x xxx of xxxx, xxxx, from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx. DOI: xxxxxx.

Surname, Name. «Title of the article». Title of the journal. Retrieved on x of xxx of xxxx, from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.


Surname, Name. Title. (Unpublished Master's or Doctoral Thesis). Name of institution, Location, Year. Retrieved on x xxx of xxxx, from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.

Organisations and documents

Surname, Name // Organisation. Title. (Report No. xxx). City (Spanish equivalent, if any): Publisher, Year. Retrieved on x xxx of xxxx, xxxx, from http://www.xxxxxxxxxx.


II. Guidelines for reviews

Reviews must not exceed 2,000 words.

Proposals must be submitted in Word format or equivalent, in Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1.15 point multiple spacing and 1 point for long quotations. Word default margins must be used: 2.5 cm on top and bottom margins; 3 cm on left and right margins.  

Reviews will not include footnotes.  Whenever the book being reviewed is cited, the page number must be given in parentheses after the citation.  For example: «this is a quotation from the book reviewed» (10-11).

The final bibliography should be avoided as much as possible.  In any case, if works by authors other than the one of the reviewed work are cited, the guidelines for articles must be followed (see sections I.5 and I.9).

The reviews will be headed by the following information:

Surname, Name. Title of the book reviewed. Edition, introduction and notes by Name and Surname (if any). Translator's name and surname (if any). City (Spanish equivalent, if any): Publisher, Year, xxxx (no. of pages of the book). ISBN: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (13-digit number without hyphens).

At the end of the text of the review, leave a blank space and write the name of the reviewer, justified to the right, no bold type: Name Surname Surname.

Immediately below, without leaving a blank space, the academic or professional institution of the reviewer is entered, right-justified, no bold type: University of City

For the use of inverted commas, italics, hyphens, etc., follow the corresponding criteria in section I.


III. Rules for discussion notes

Discussion notes must not exceed 4,000 words.  In all other respects, the rules for articles (section I.) must be taken into account.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.