Memory to the Museums: cultural identity and industrial heritage in the Bierzo


This article addresses the special status of industrial buildings as elements of the cultural heritage of the distinct local social groups. And for this purpose, we will use the concept of Industrial Heritage. We will show how in certain areas, the El Bierzo county in particular, social identity, cultural bonds and their unique world of shared values cannot be understood without referencing their industrial past. This industrial past is closely tied to the mining of coal and its subsequent use to produce electrical energy.  The introduction of new forms of energy, the coal crisis and the increasing awareness of environmental decay have precipitated the abandonment of a whole range of industrial buildings in the city of Ponferrada, El Bierzo. Recently these abandoned industrial buildings are being considered as Industrial Heritage. And this consideration has resulted in their refurbishment for present use and as a reminder of the city´s past. This article will present a brief history of this process and some of its more interesting details.
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