Vol. 4 No. 6 (2017): First Semester 2017

This issue presents as dossier`s theme "Una aproximación al conocimiento del territorio brasileño y a sus relaciones con España", coordinated by Professor Valentín Cabero, professor of Geography at the University of Salamanca, who also conducted an interview with Professor George Gurgel, from the Federal University of Bahia, who was deeply knowledgeable about the reality of sustainable development in Brazil. The Revista de Estudos Brasileños, in this way, contributes in its number 6 to the great debate that occurs on a global scale, and more concretely in Brazil, on the environmental challenge that humanity has raised and whose resolution will be vital for a development Stable and durable in the coming years. The number 6 also publishes in its general section texts of varied topics ranging from academic mobility between Spain and Brazil in recent years, the specificities of the Brazilian statistical system, coalition presidentialism or public policies of education in the vision of young political activists.
Published: 2017-03-16

