Machado de Assis: library life of western culture


Netto Salomão, S. (2016). Machado de Assis e o cânone ocidental: itinerários de leitura. Rio de Janeiro: Editora da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. In this book, Machado de Assis e o cânone ocidental, the works and authors that most influenced the greatest Brazilian writer of the 19th century, and who is indispensable to world literature, are studied in detail. Comparing text to text, the author realizes the close relationship of Machado with Dante, Montaigne, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Pascal, Diderot, Swift, Byron, Leopardi, Schopenhauer, among others, whose works consolidated his novels and short stories, especially those of his second period, like a real "living library". The author also examines the concept of ‘hypertext’ and applies it to the machadiana work. The study of the influences of Italy on his literary production are especially significant, as well as the analysis of the translation by the author of the Memórias póstumas of the XXV Canto of Dante's Inferno.
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Maura, A. (2017). Machado de Assis: library life of western culture. Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 4(6), 206–208.


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Author Biography

Antonio Maura

Academia Brasileira de Letras
Writer. Partner corresponding to the Academia Brasileira de Letras.