Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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Young University Students and their Patterns of Consumption and Dissemination of News According to the Ideological Trend

  • Beatriz Catalina-García
    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. beatriz.catalina[at]
  • Manuel Montes Vozmediano
    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Antonio García-Jiménez
    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos


This paper aims to analyze to what extent and the ways in which the political positions of Spanish young people has influence on the consumption and access to news, with special interest in the digital point of view. This perspective is established in relation to aspects such as the media consulted, the credibility and the forms in which information is shared. In this sense, a survey self-administered for one month among 297 Communication students is conducted. It has been possible to observe a correlation between the ideology and the greater attention in Internet, in addition to the relevance of the conventional television in combination with the access digital news. In this context, social media become a most commonly space for accessing digital news instead of digital newspapers. This paper also confirms the idea of credibility associated to both traditional press and radio.
  • Referencias
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Catalina-García, B., Montes Vozmediano, M., & García-Jiménez, A. (2017). Young University Students and their Patterns of Consumption and Dissemination of News According to the Ideological Trend. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 15(15), 57–73.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Catalina-García

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Profesora Visitante. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

Manuel Montes Vozmediano

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Profesor Titular Interino. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España

Antonio García-Jiménez

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Catedrático de Periodismo. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España