Fonseca, Journal of Communication

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The Youtuber Phenomenon and its Transmedia Expansion. Analysis of Youth Empowerment in Social Media

  • Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí
    Universidad de Alicante tatiana.hidalgo[at]
  • Jesús Segarra-Saavedra
    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja


This work approaches the phenomenon of youth empowerment in social media, specifically YouTube. For this, it studies the reach of the channels of the ten most important Spanish youtubers according to Social Blade, as well as the expansion and transmedia reach of his personal branding. The descriptive analysis of their channels and the latest published videos confirms the use of links to other social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, as well as entertainment content.
  • Referencias
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Hidalgo-Marí, T., & Segarra-Saavedra, J. (2017). The Youtuber Phenomenon and its Transmedia Expansion. Analysis of Youth Empowerment in Social Media. Fonseca, Journal of Communication, 15(15), 43–56.


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Author Biographies

Tatiana Hidalgo-Marí

Universidad de Alicante
Docente e Investigadora. Universidad de Alicante, España

Jesús Segarra-Saavedra

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
Profesor Asociado. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, España.