Support for democracy in Venezuela: Does trust in Hugo Chávez play any role?
Abstract By applying regression analysis to data from the 2010 Latin American Public Opinion Project’s “AmericasBarometer” surveys, this paper examines the correlates of citizen support for democracy in Venezuela. Special attention is paid to evaluations of current economic conditions, satisfaction with the functioning of democracy and trust in the President as potential explanatory variables. The analysis of the models reveals at least two conceptions of democracy present among Venezuelans, which are strongly influenced by the degree of trust in the President citizens feel. The findings suggest the need of studying support for democracy through more complex scopes, in order to acquire better understandings of citizens’ attitudes towards their political systems.
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Fuchs, D., G. Guidorossi & P. Svensson (1995), “Support for the Democratic System”, in H.-D. Klingemann & D. Fuchs (Eds.), Citizens and the State, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 323-353.
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Klingemann, H.-D. (1999), “Mapping Political Support in the 1990s: A Global Analysis”, in P. Norris (Ed.), Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Government , Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 31-56. Lagos, M. (2003a), “Support for and Satisfaction with Democracy”, in International Journal of Public Opinion Research 15(4), pp. 471-487.
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Lipset, S.M. (1959), “Some Social Requisites of Democracy: Economic Development and Political Legitimacy”, in The American Political Science Review 53(1), pp. 69-105.
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Mattes, R. & M. Bratton (2007), “Learning about Democracy in Africa: Awareness, Performance, and Experience”, in American Journal of Political Science 51(1), pp. 192-217.
Miller, A.H. (1974), “Political Issues and Trust in the Government: 1964-1970”, in The American Political Science Review 68(3), pp. 951-972.
Mishler, W. & R. Rose (2001), “Political Support for Incomplete Democracies: Realist vs. Idealist Theories and Measures”, in International Political Science Review 22(4), pp. 303-320.
Norris, P. (1999), Critical Citizens: Global Support for Democratic Government, Oxford University Press. Putnam, R.D. (1993), Making Democracy Work, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Sarsfield, R. & F. Echegaray (2006), “Opening the Black Box: How Satisfaction with Democracy and its Perceived Efficacy Affect Regime Preference in Latin America”, in International Journal of Public Opinion Research 18(2), pp. 153-173.
-- (2008), “Looking Behind the Window: Measuring Instrumental and Normative Reasoning in Support for Democracy”, in Afrobarometer Working Paper Series #97.
Schedler, A. & R. Sarsfield (2007), “Democrats with adjectives: Linking direct and indirect measures of democratic support”, in European Journal of Political Research 46(5), pp. 637-659.
Seligson, M. (2007), “The Rise of Populism and the Left in Latin America”, in Journal of Democracy 18(3), pp. 81-95.
Whitefield, S. & G. Evans (1999), “Political culture versus rational choice: explaining responses to transition in the Czech Republic and Slovakia”, in British Journal of Political Science 29(01), pp. 129-154.
Moncagatta, P. (2013). Support for democracy in Venezuela: Does trust in Hugo Chávez play any role?. Revista Latinoamericana De Opinión Pública, 3, 113–141.
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