Pedagogy, medical education and cinema: a possible encounter

  • Referencias
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Orefice C. Costruire la consapevolezza dei modi di «stare al mondo». In: de Mennato P, Orefice C, Branchi S, editors. Educarsi alla «cura». Un itinerario riflessivo tra frammenti e sequenze. Lecce: Pensa MultiMedia; 2011. p. 123-76.

Orefice C. Guidelines for an «Operative Constructivism» in the learning process through Cinema. The Film Archive for Medical Education of the University of Florence. Rev Med Cine 2014; 10(3): 127-32.

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Orefice C, Pérez J, Baños J-E. The presence of humanities in the curricula of medical students in Italy and Spain. Educ Med. 2019; 20(S1): 79-86.
Orefice, C. (2020). Pedagogy, medical education and cinema: a possible encounter. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 16(3), 145–148.


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Author Biography

Carlo Orefice
