Murmurs in the city. Medical humanization in romantic comedy key

  • María Eugenia D’Ottavio Callegari
    Universidad del Gran Rosario, Rosario (Santa Fe)
  • María Silvia D’Ottavio Callegari
    Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario (Santa Fe)
  • Alberto Enrique D’Ottavio Cattani
    Facultad de Ciencias Médicas y Consejo de Investigaciones, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario (Santa Fe) aedottavio[at]


This film focuses on part of the story of a doctor as initially expressed in a superimposed writing. Such a professional is the founder of a clinic where patients are humanely and comprehensively approached. While lacking the epic character of other cinematographic productions on doctors and Medicine, the humanism constantly hovers throughout the plot. In addition, being a romantic and dramatic comedy, it does not avoid dealing some controversial issues for the then current anti-communist McCarthyism.The aforementioned medical humanization and this underlying plus in an a priori light fiction stimulated and guided the drafting of this paper.
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Lladó AA. La influencia del macartismo (1947-1953) en el cine clásico americano. Trabajo final de grado de Historia del Arte. Universidad de las Islas Baleares, 2015.
D’Ottavio Callegari , M. E., D’Ottavio Callegari, M. S., & D’Ottavio Cattani, A. E. (2022). Murmurs in the city. Medical humanization in romantic comedy key. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 18(2), 159–163.

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