My daughter, my life / Tu Vivras ma fille (2018) by Gabriel Aghion, from family medicine to Biotechnology

  • Gabriela Cevallos-Solórzano
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Vicente Paúl Villamagua León
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Renata Aguirre-Fierro
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Jennifer Estefanía Jaramillo Suquilanda
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Kevin Sebastián Chicaiza González
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Dominique Anahí Bravo Pinzón
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
  • Natalia Bailon-Moscoso
    Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja


We can see depicted the reality lived by families of children with rare diseases in the movie "My daughter, my life" (Tu vivras ma fille, 2018) by Gabriel Aghion. The first daughter of a marriage is born with Sanfilippo syndrome, an unusual genetic pathology which affects functionality in children from 3 years up and for which there is no effective treatment. This movie, based on a real life story, that show us the effort of some people in search of new treatment options to improve the life of the loved ones, and in that quest, they have developed a treatment based upon the last biotechnological findings, gene therapy, that decreases symptoms from the pathology itself. In this article we are focusing on the search of a treatment based on the existing biotechnological tools, in addition of the social and affective impact suffered by the people and families living these types of illnesses.
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Cevallos-Solórzano, G., Villamagua León, V. P. ., Aguirre-Fierro, R. ., Jaramillo Suquilanda, J. E. ., Chicaiza González, K. S. ., Bravo Pinzón, D. A. ., & Bailon-Moscoso, N. . (2022). My daughter, my life / Tu Vivras ma fille (2018) by Gabriel Aghion, from family medicine to Biotechnology. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 18(1), 15–27.

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