The Benevento’s Doctor: from medicine to holiness secular


This miniseries treating on the Benevento’s physician Giuseppe Moscati, barely known in Latin America, though simple from a screen standpoint, may become highly enlightening for students in relation with their unavoidable acquisition of key values for medical practice. Moreover, in the context of a postmodern and technologic society seeming having misplaced or lost those values.Going by from his graduation during 1903 to his death, occurred in 1927, the film, exceeding religious beliefs and the professional future conceived by medical students, melodramatically sets out a touching behavioral contrast through the mixture of real and fictional events. Thus, the prepared spectator may decide to face his/her professional and quotidian life with principles which, in the end, may result improving for the whole society.
  • Referencias
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Immediata B: Giuseppe Moscati: Un uomo, un medico, un santo. Milano: Edizione Paulina; 2008.

Cejas JM: El Doctor Moscati. Madrid: Ediciones Palabra; 1994

Juan Pablo II: Homilía en la Ceremonia de Canonización del Doctor José Moscati, 16 de octubre de 1987. Disponible en
D’ottavio, A. E. (2014). The Benevento’s Doctor: from medicine to holiness secular. Journal of Medicine and Movies, 10(2), 81–85. Retrieved from

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Author Biography

Alberto Enrique D’ottavio

Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Alberto Enrique D’Ottavio. Matheu 371. 2000 Rosario (Argentina).