Some Aspects Related to Arab Medicine and the Practice of Corpses Necropsies in the Film The Physician (2013)


The objection is raised to a question that to this day is highly debatable, is it known that autopsies began in the 3rd century BC? In this document we will present the perception of the theory regarding Avicenna, an Islam doctor. For this we need exact moments from the movie The Doctor (2013) by Philipp Stölzl. The character «Avicenna» focus his teaching of medicine based on writings and not on experiential practices; however, when «Robert Cole» arrives at school, he brings with him knowledge based on traditional medicine and proposes to require even more knowledge from his teacher «Avicenna», he manages to get written anatomical knowledge and tends to the need to want to know what is inside. of the human body, for this reason he will carry out his first autopsy of a recently deceased human body. It is worth mentioning that autopsies were prohibited by the religion of that time. In summary, we are going to mention that indeed, yes, the autopsy of the human body was carried out in the 3rd century BC, reaching a point of agreement with the human anatomy to this day.
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Luz, Espinoza-Lecca, R. E., & Contreras-Pulache, H. (2023). Some Aspects Related to Arab Medicine and the Practice of Corpses Necropsies in the Film The Physician (2013). Journal of Medicine and Movies, 19(3), 203–214.

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