Removal of lower lip carcinoma and reconstruction by Karapan-dzic flap. Case report

  • Pedro Diaz De Cerio-Canduela
    Hospital San Pedro de Logroño, España pdiazcerio[at]
  • Sara Omedes-Sancho
    Hospital San Pedro de Logroño, España


Introduction: Lower lip carcinoma is a relatively frequent disease, it needs surgical treatment for its resolution. The reconstruction of the surgical defect is very important because it comes to preserving the oral cavity functions and facial aesthetical. Description we present a case-patient with a lower lip carcinoma that requires extensive excision and its reconstruction by a Karapandzic flap. Discussion: The reconstruction of the lower lip by a Karapandzic flap realization allows the excision of big tumors of the lower lip with the preservation of the oral cavity functions and excellent aesthetical results.
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Diaz De Cerio-Canduela, P., & Omedes-Sancho, S. (2019). Removal of lower lip carcinoma and reconstruction by Karapan-dzic flap. Case report. Revista ORL, 10(1), 79–82.

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