Orthostatic dizziness and vertigo, functional and motion sickness


Introduction: dizziness in children hasn’t received enough attention in the medical literature, despite having a high prevalence. There are very frequent but less studied pathologies such as orthostatic vertigo, functional vertigo and motion sickness. This article aims was to present a revision, of the pathologies previously described. Materials and Methods: a narrative review was made, selecting articles between 2000 and 2023 in Pubmed, Scielo and Cochrane. Results: orthostatic dizziness appears with the incorporation, from lying to sitting, or from sitting to standing. Functional dizziness, currently known as persistent postural perceptual dizziness, is a chronic and functional disorder, in which, patients experience symptoms of dizziness, and is exacerbated by standing, with movement and/or with the exposure to complex visual stimuli. Motion sickness is a normal physiological response to an unusual perception of movement; either during a real movement or in its absence; when the symptomatology is significant it’s called disorder. All the pathologies studied present established criteria by the Bárány Society. The treatment is based on the profile of each patient. Conclusions: the causes of dizziness and instability in the pediatric population are diverse. It is important to know the most appropriate diagnostic criteria and treatments to improve the quality of life of our patients.
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