Amigdalectomía lingual robótica para el diagnóstico del carcinoma escamoso de origen desconocido
Resumen Introducción y objetivo: La prevalencia del carcinoma de origen desconocido (COD) de cabeza y cuello ha aumentado en los últimos años debido al incremento en la incidencia del carcinoma epidermoide de orofaringe Virus de Papiloma Humano (VPH) positivo, que frecuentemente puede debutar con adenopatías cervicales con un tumor primario no evidente en la exploración física. En este contexto, la cirugía transoral robótica (TORS) ha sido incorporada como una herramienta diagnóstica para la búsqueda del tumor primario en la región orofaríngea, así como una alternativa terapéutica para los tumores de dicha localización. El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar nuestros resultados y la utilidad de la TORS en el proceso diagnóstico y terapéutico del COD en cabeza y cuello. Método: Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo en un Hospital terciario del norte de España en el que se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de COD sometidos a una amigdalectomía lingual robótica como parte del protocolo de búsqueda del tumor primario. Se han analizado diferentes variables clínico-patológicas, así como la positividad a VPH. Resultados: Se han incluido 9 pacientes en el estudio; la edad media al diagnóstico fue de 60 años (rango 43-75). En un 44 % de los pacientes, el estudio de la metástasis cervical reflejó positividad para p16. En dos de estos casos, se identificó el tumor primario en la pieza quirúrgica de la amigdalectomía lingual, detectando ADN de VPH. La tasa de complicaciones tras la amigdalectomía lingual vía TORS fue baja, principalmente de grado I-II según la clasificación de Clavien-Dindo. Discusión y conclusiones: La amigdalectomía lingual robótica puede contribuir a la identificación del tumor primario en el COD, especialmente en los casos VPH-positivos. La TORS contribuye a una estadificación correcta del proceso oncológico y a un tratamiento menos agresivo y con menos secuelas.
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Johnson DE, Burtness B, Leemans CR, Lui VW, Bauman JE, Grandis JR. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2020;6(1).
Pavlidis N, Briasoulis E, Hainsworth J, Greco FA. Diagnostic and therapeutic management of cancer of an unknown primary. Eur J Cancer. 2003;39(14):1990-2005.
Lee MY, Fowler N, Adelstein D, Koyfman S, Prendes B, Burkey BB. Detection and Oncologic Outcomes of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Origin. Anticancer Res. 2020;40(8):4207-4214.
Rettig EM, D'Souza G. Epidemiology of head and neck cancer. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2015;24:379-96.
Nauta IH, Rietbergen MM, van Bokhoven AAJD, Bloemena E, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Heideman DAM, et al. Evaluation of the eighth TNM classification on p16-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas in the Netherlands and the importance of additional HPV DNA testing. Ann Oncol.2018;29:1273-1279.
Chaturvedi AK, Engels EA, Pfeiffer RM, Hernandez BY, Xiao W, Kim E, et al. Human papillomavirus and rising oropharyngeal cancer incidence in the United States. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29:4294-301.
Ryan JF, Motz KM, Rooper LM, Mydlarz WK, Quon H, Gourin CG, et al. The Impact of a Stepwise Approach to Primary Tumor Detection in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Neck With Unknown Primary. Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1610-616.
Maghami E, Ismaila N, Alvarez A, Chernock R, Duvvuri U, Geiger J, et al. Diagnosis and Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary in the Head and Neck: ASCO Guideline. J Clin Oncol. 2020;38(22):2570-2596.
Cosway B, Drinnan M, Paleri V. Narrow band imaging for the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review. Head Neck. 2016;38 Suppl 1:E2358-67.
van Weert S, Rijken JA, Plantone F, Bloemena E, Vergeer MR, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Leemans CR. A systematic review on Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for carcinoma of unknown primary origin: Has tongue base mucosectomy become indispensable? Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(5):732-38.
Kalavacherla S, Sanghvi P, Lin GY, Guo T. Updates in the management of unknown primary of the head and neck. Front Oncol. 2022;12:991838.
Kubik MW, Channir HI, Rubek N, Kim S, Ferris RL, von Buchwald C, et al. TORS Base-of-Tongue Mucosectomy in Human Papilloma Virus-Negative Carcinoma of Unknown Primary. Laryngoscope. 2021;131:78-81.
Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien PA. Classification of surgical complications: a new proposal with evaluation in a cohort of 6336 patients and results of a survey. Ann Surg. 2004;240:205-13.
de Almeida JR, Li R, Magnuson JS, Smith RV, Moore E, Lawson G, et al. Oncologic Outcomes After Transoral Robotic Surgery: A Multi-institutional Study. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015;141:1043-1051.
Ye W, Arnaud EH, Langerman A, Mannion K, Topf MC. Diagnostic approaches to carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2021;30:e13459.
Muraki AS, Mancuso AA, Harnsberger HR. Metastatic cervical adenopathy from tumors of unknown origin: the role of CT. Radiology. 1984;152:749-53.
Mendenhall WM, Mancuso AA, Parsons JT, Stringer SP, Cassisi NJ. Diagnostic evaluation of squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to cervical lymph nodes from an unknown head and neck primary site. Head Neck. 1998;20:739-44.;2-0
Keller F, Psychogios G, Linke R, Lell M, Kuwert T, Iro H, et al. Carcinoma of unknown primary in the head and neck: comparison between positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/CT. Head Neck. 2011;33:1569-575.
Beadle BM, William WN Jr, McLemore MS, Sturgis EM, Williams MD. p16 expression in cutaneous squamous carcinomas with neck metastases: a potential pitfall in identifying unknown primaries of the head and neck. Head Neck. 2013;35:1527-533.
Tanzler ED, Amdur RJ, Morris CG, Werning JW, Mendenhall WM. Challenging the need for random directed biopsies of the nasopharynx, pyriform sinus, and contralateral tonsil in the workup of unknown primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Head Neck. 2016;38:578-81.
Pattani KM, Goodier M, Lilien D, Kupferman T, Caldito G, Nathan CO. Utility of panendoscopy for the detection of unknown primary head and neck cancer in patients with a negative PET/CT scan. Ear Nose Throat J. 2011;90:E16-E20.
Byrd JK, Smith KJ, de Almeida JR, Albergotti WG, Davis KS, Kim SW, et al. Transoral Robotic Surgery and the Unknown Primary: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2014;150:976-82.
Khan N, Kass M, Miles B, Genden E. Transoral robotic assisted resection approach for identifying unknown primaries of the head and neck. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016; 94:P893.
Blanco RG, Fakhry C, Ha PK, Ryniak K, Messing B, Califano JA, Saunders JR. Transoral robotic surgery experience in 44 cases. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2013;23:900-907.
Krishnan S, Connell J, Ofo E. Transoral robotic surgery base of tongue mucosectomy for head and neck cancer of unknown primary. ANZ J Surg. 2017;87(12):E281-E284.
Pavlidis N, Briasoulis E, Hainsworth J, Greco FA. Diagnostic and therapeutic management of cancer of an unknown primary. Eur J Cancer. 2003;39(14):1990-2005.
Lee MY, Fowler N, Adelstein D, Koyfman S, Prendes B, Burkey BB. Detection and Oncologic Outcomes of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Origin. Anticancer Res. 2020;40(8):4207-4214.
Rettig EM, D'Souza G. Epidemiology of head and neck cancer. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2015;24:379-96.
Nauta IH, Rietbergen MM, van Bokhoven AAJD, Bloemena E, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Heideman DAM, et al. Evaluation of the eighth TNM classification on p16-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas in the Netherlands and the importance of additional HPV DNA testing. Ann Oncol.2018;29:1273-1279.
Chaturvedi AK, Engels EA, Pfeiffer RM, Hernandez BY, Xiao W, Kim E, et al. Human papillomavirus and rising oropharyngeal cancer incidence in the United States. J Clin Oncol. 2011;29:4294-301.
Ryan JF, Motz KM, Rooper LM, Mydlarz WK, Quon H, Gourin CG, et al. The Impact of a Stepwise Approach to Primary Tumor Detection in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Neck With Unknown Primary. Laryngoscope. 2019;129:1610-616.
Maghami E, Ismaila N, Alvarez A, Chernock R, Duvvuri U, Geiger J, et al. Diagnosis and Management of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Unknown Primary in the Head and Neck: ASCO Guideline. J Clin Oncol. 2020;38(22):2570-2596.
Cosway B, Drinnan M, Paleri V. Narrow band imaging for the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review. Head Neck. 2016;38 Suppl 1:E2358-67.
van Weert S, Rijken JA, Plantone F, Bloemena E, Vergeer MR, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Leemans CR. A systematic review on Transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for carcinoma of unknown primary origin: Has tongue base mucosectomy become indispensable? Clin Otolaryngol. 2020;45(5):732-38.
Kalavacherla S, Sanghvi P, Lin GY, Guo T. Updates in the management of unknown primary of the head and neck. Front Oncol. 2022;12:991838.
Kubik MW, Channir HI, Rubek N, Kim S, Ferris RL, von Buchwald C, et al. TORS Base-of-Tongue Mucosectomy in Human Papilloma Virus-Negative Carcinoma of Unknown Primary. Laryngoscope. 2021;131:78-81.
Dindo D, Demartines N, Clavien PA. Classification of surgical complications: a new proposal with evaluation in a cohort of 6336 patients and results of a survey. Ann Surg. 2004;240:205-13.
de Almeida JR, Li R, Magnuson JS, Smith RV, Moore E, Lawson G, et al. Oncologic Outcomes After Transoral Robotic Surgery: A Multi-institutional Study. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2015;141:1043-1051.
Ye W, Arnaud EH, Langerman A, Mannion K, Topf MC. Diagnostic approaches to carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2021;30:e13459.
Muraki AS, Mancuso AA, Harnsberger HR. Metastatic cervical adenopathy from tumors of unknown origin: the role of CT. Radiology. 1984;152:749-53.
Mendenhall WM, Mancuso AA, Parsons JT, Stringer SP, Cassisi NJ. Diagnostic evaluation of squamous cell carcinoma metastatic to cervical lymph nodes from an unknown head and neck primary site. Head Neck. 1998;20:739-44.;2-0
Keller F, Psychogios G, Linke R, Lell M, Kuwert T, Iro H, et al. Carcinoma of unknown primary in the head and neck: comparison between positron emission tomography (PET) and PET/CT. Head Neck. 2011;33:1569-575.
Beadle BM, William WN Jr, McLemore MS, Sturgis EM, Williams MD. p16 expression in cutaneous squamous carcinomas with neck metastases: a potential pitfall in identifying unknown primaries of the head and neck. Head Neck. 2013;35:1527-533.
Tanzler ED, Amdur RJ, Morris CG, Werning JW, Mendenhall WM. Challenging the need for random directed biopsies of the nasopharynx, pyriform sinus, and contralateral tonsil in the workup of unknown primary squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Head Neck. 2016;38:578-81.
Pattani KM, Goodier M, Lilien D, Kupferman T, Caldito G, Nathan CO. Utility of panendoscopy for the detection of unknown primary head and neck cancer in patients with a negative PET/CT scan. Ear Nose Throat J. 2011;90:E16-E20.
Byrd JK, Smith KJ, de Almeida JR, Albergotti WG, Davis KS, Kim SW, et al. Transoral Robotic Surgery and the Unknown Primary: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.2014;150:976-82.
Khan N, Kass M, Miles B, Genden E. Transoral robotic assisted resection approach for identifying unknown primaries of the head and neck. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2016; 94:P893.
Blanco RG, Fakhry C, Ha PK, Ryniak K, Messing B, Califano JA, Saunders JR. Transoral robotic surgery experience in 44 cases. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2013;23:900-907.
Krishnan S, Connell J, Ofo E. Transoral robotic surgery base of tongue mucosectomy for head and neck cancer of unknown primary. ANZ J Surg. 2017;87(12):E281-E284.
Salvatierra-Vicario, B., Corriols-Noval, P., Rodríguez-Martín, M., Cobo-Díaz, R., Veiga-Alonso, A., Morales-Angulo, C., & Obeso-Agüera, S. (2024). Amigdalectomía lingual robótica para el diagnóstico del carcinoma escamoso de origen desconocido. Revista ORL, 15(4), e32055.
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