Awjedni: A Reverse-Image-Search Application

  • Hanaa Al-Lohibi
    University of Jeddah
  • Tahani Alkhamisi
    University of Jeddah
  • Maha Assagran
    University of Jeddah
  • Amal Aljohani
    University of Jeddah
  • Asia Othaman Aljahdali
    University of Jeddah aoaljahdali[at]


The abundance of photos on the internet, along with smartphones that could implement computer vision technologies allow for a unique way to browse the web. These technologies have potential used in many widely accessible and globally available reverse-image search applications. One of these applications is the use of reverse-image search to help people finding items which they're interested in, but they can’t name it. This is where Awjedni was born. Awjedni is a reverse-image search application compatible with iOS and Android smartphones built to provide an efficient way to search millions of products on the internet using images only. Awjedni utilizes a computer vision technology through implementing multiple libraries and frameworks to process images, recognize objects, and crawl the web. Users simply upload/take a photo of a desired item and the application returns visually similar items and a direct link to the websites that sell them.
  • Referencias
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Al-Lohibi, H., Alkhamisi, T., Assagran, M., Aljohani, A., & Aljahdali, A. O. (2020). Awjedni: A Reverse-Image-Search Application. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 9(3), 49–68.

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