Intelligent Traffic Light for Ambulance Clearance
Abstract Human life is a serious matter, so we should not neglect anything that might threaten it. It must be protected in all possible ways. Consequently, all health services such as hospitals, medicines, ambulances and so on need to evolve continuously to overcome life-threatening problems. Since many people could lose their life because of an ambulance delay. We proposed a system that provides a way to overcome the ambulance delay problem. With the current traffic light system, the ambulance can get stuck in the traffic or may cause an accident while it crosses the red light. To avoid that, the proposed system enables the ambulance to control the traffic light. Thus, the system will facilitate the ambulance movement to save people's life. The hardware used to implement this project includes Arduino UNO and mega with network shield (ZigBee). We have used C++ language and Arduino IDE to program the Arduino and the ZigBee.
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G. Beri, P. Ganjare, A. Gate, A. Channawar, and V. Gaikwad, “Intelligent ambulance with traffic control,» International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems, Feb 2016.
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R. Sundar, S. Hebbar, and V. Golla, “Implementing intelligent traffic control system for congestion control, ambulance clearance, and stolen vehicle detection,» IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, no. 2, p. 1109-1113, 2015.
H. Singh, K. Kumar, and H. Kaur, “Intelligent traffic lights based on rfid,» International Journal of Computing and Business Research, vol. 2012, pp. 110, 2012.
Nono, R., Alsudais, R., Alshmrani, R., Alamoudi, S., & Aljahdali, A. O. (2020). Intelligent Traffic Light for Ambulance Clearance. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 9(3), 89–104.
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