The delimitation of freedom of speech on the Internet: the confrontation of rights and digital censorship

  • Francisco José Aranda Serna
    Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia fjaranda[at]
  • Javier Belda Iniesta
    Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia, España.


With the emergence of the Internet, the exercise of freedom of opinion and information expanded to infinity, as well as the possibility of endless infractions and offenses derived from the unlimited use of freedom of speech. Given these circumstances, a proper delimitation is necessary between the use of freedom of speech on the Internet and the conflicts that occur. However, the legislator sometimes offers contradictory and ineffective solutions because they do not adapt clearly to this new social phenomenon. The current legislation will have to deal with major challenges especially related to the issue of attribution of responsibility for content dumping into the network, protection of minors and regulation of participation systems. It is also clear that in several current legislations, freedom of speech is a right that has been eroded since the emergence of the Internet. However, because of their international character and cultural differences between countries, such guidelines should not be uniform.
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