Studying the mechanisms of the Somatic Marker Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks (SNN)

  • Alejandro Jiménez-Rodríguez
    Universidad Autónoma de Manizales alejandroj[at]
  • Luis Fernando Castillo
    Universidad Autónoma de Manizales
  • Manuel González
    University of Minho


In this paper, a mechanism of emotional bias in decision making is studied using Spiking Neural Networks to simulate the associative and recurrent networks involved. The results obtained are along the lines of those proposed by A. Damasio as part of the Somatic Marker Hypothesis, in particular, that, in absence of emotional input, the decision making is driven by the rational input alone. Appropriate representations for the Objective and Emotional Values are also suggested, provided a spike representation (code) of the information.
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