Time-Windowed Vehicle Routing Problem: Tabu Search Algorithm Approach

  • Hasibe Berfu Demir
    Department of Industrial Engineering, Beykent University, Istanbul
  • Ebru Pekel Özmen
    Department of Industrial Engineering, Samsun University, Samsun pkl.ebru[at]gmail.com
  • Sakir Esnaf
    Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul-Cerrahpasa University, Istanbul


Vehicle routing problem (VRP); it is defined as the problem of planning the best distribution or collection routes of the vehicles assigned to serve the scattered centers from one or more warehouses in order to meet the demands of the customers. Vehicle routing problem has been a kind of problem in which various studies have been done in recent years. Many vehicle routing problems include scheduling visits to customers who are available during certain time windows. These problems are known as vehicle routing problems with time windows (VRPTWs). In this study, a tabu search optimization is proposed for the solution of time window vehicle routing problem (VRPTWs). The results were compared with the current situation and the results were interpreted.
  • Referencias
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  • Métricas
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