Agent organisations: from independent agents to virtual organisations and societies of agents

  • Jose Alberto Maestro-Prieto
    University of Salamanca josemaestro[at]
  • Sara Rodríguez
    University of Salamanca
  • Roberto Casado
    University of Salamanca
  • Juan Manuel Corchado
    University of Salamanca


Real world applications using agent-based solutions can include many agents that needs communicate and interact each other in order to meet their objectives. In open multi-agent systems, the problems may include the organisation of a large number of agents that may be heterogeneous, of unpredictable provenance and where competitive behaviours or conflicting objectives may occur. An overview of the alternatives for dealing with these problems is presented, highlighting the way they try to solve or mitigate these problems.
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Author Biographies

Jose Alberto Maestro-Prieto

University of Salamanca
Department of Computer Science and Automatic, University of Salamanca

Sara Rodríguez

University of Salamanca
Department of Computer Science and Automatic, University of Salamanca

Roberto Casado

University of Salamanca
Department of Computer Science and Automatic, University of Salamanca

Juan Manuel Corchado

University of Salamanca
Department of Computer Science and Automatic, University of Salamanca