MDD-Approach for developing Pervasive Systems based on Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems

  • Jorge Agüero
    Universitat Politecnica de Valencia jaguero[at]
  • Miguel Rebollo
    Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
  • Carlos Carrascosa
    Universitat Politecnica de Valencia
  • Vicente Julián
    Universitat Politecnica de Valencia


The development of Ubiquitous or Pervasive Systems can be considered a complex task, with multiple actors, devices and different hardware environments; where it is difficult to find a compact view of all the components. This work proposes to use a MDD (Model-Driven Development) approach to facilitate the development process of Agent-Based Pervasive Systems, providing the user with a set of abstractions that ease the implementation of Pervasive Systems and the deployment of a platform for their execution. The proposal allows designing pervasive applications using high-level abstractions, avoiding the low-level implementation details and, after that, the Pervasive System deployment (with embedded agents and devices) is generated by using automatic transformations. In this way, a non-expert programmer will be able to develop Agent-Based Pervasive Systems, reducing the gap between the design and the implementation phases.
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Agüero, J., Rebollo, M., Carrascosa, C., & Julián, V. (2013). MDD-Approach for developing Pervasive Systems based on Service-Oriented Multi-Agent Systems. ADCAIJ: Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2(3), 55–64.

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